Venalu ist der offiziell akkreditierte Studierendenverein für Nachhaltigkeit der Uni / PH / Hochschule Luzern

We are students from different disciplines at the Lucerne campus. Together we try to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the complex issues of sustainability.
We address crises such as those of climate and biodiversity and discuss possible solutions such as renewable energies, conscious consumption or a circular economic system.
We don't just deal with topics among ourselves: At events, such as the yearly Sustainability Week, we pass on our knowledge in order to involve other people in the discussion.
DFK & Venalu: 9 x Sustainability
Beinahe täglich sind wir mit Informationen und Fakten zur Klimakrise konfrontiert. Viele fragen sich, wie sie ihren Lebensstil ändern können, um weniger Ressourcen zu verbrauchen und ihren ökologischen Fussabdruck zu verringern. DFK startet im neuen Studienjahr mit 9 x Sustainability: Jeden Monat wird der Fokus auf ein Nachhaltigkeitsthema gelegt und Handlungsoptionen aufgezeigt, die man im studentischen, beruflichen und privaten Alltag ausprobieren kann. Begleitend organisiert DFK zusammen mit VENALU verschiedene Nachhaltigkeitsevents, um sich inspirieren zu lassen und sich mit Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen.
Events der Nachhaltigkeitswochen 2025
Alle Events sind kostenlos / all events are free


Aline Hürlimann

Sarina Tina Wyrsch

Chantal Arnold
Actuary & Communication

Daniela Amstad

Rahel Inderkum

Nicole Schellhammer

Bianca Flory

Michael Speranza

Sustainable development in education
Topics of sustainable development should be more strongly anchored in the module offerings of our colleges and universities. Therefore, the project group Sustainable Development in Education is in actively engaging with those responsible for teaching and the coordinators of sustainable development of the Lucerne campus.
Fair Faishon
The Fair Faishon project group tackles issues related to the clothing industry and organizes events to raise awareness of sustainable use of our clothes. For example, in July 2022 they organized a clothing swap together with change maker.

Food Waste
The project group grew out of the jointly organized Foodwaste City Tour and Foodsave Kitchen Battle at Sustainability Week 2023. They plan to organize events throughout the year, too. There was another food waste cooking workshop in the fall semester of 2022.
In this document you find some
foodwaste facts and helpful tips.
Sustainability Weeks
The Sustainability Weeks take place annually. The goal of Sustainability Weeks is to educate and inspire students, scholars, and the public through various free events such as lectures, panel discussions and workshops on sustainability. Sustainability should not only be promoted at the university as an institution, but also in the lives of students.

Sustainability weeks 2024